08_Setting Your Trading Quantity
Overview: The Quantity (QTY) section plays a pivotal role in various functions within the OTS Trader Bot. It serves as a fundamental parameter across different trading activities, ensuring consistency and ease of use throughout the platform.
Functions Utilizing QTY Entry:
Market Orders: Determines the quantity to be traded when executing market orders.
Limit Orders: Specifies the quantity for limit order submissions.
Stop Orders: Defines the quantity for stop order placements.
Buy Bids / Sell Asks: Sets the quantity for buy bids and sell asks.
Buy Low Bar + Points / Sell High Bar: Determines the quantity for buy/sell orders based on bar lows/highs.
Buy / Sell Entry Stops: Specifies the quantity for entry stop orders.
Price Ladder: Sets the quantity for trades executed via the Price Ladder.
Identifying Functions Using QTY Entry:
The colored buttons visible on the screen represent functions utilizing the QTY section.
As users navigate through different sections, they can experiment with each function, understanding how all operations are linked back to the fundamental QTY setting.
Consistency: Ensures uniformity in quantity settings across various trading activities.
Simplicity: Simplifies the trading process by centralizing the quantity parameter.
Efficiency: Streamlines order execution by eliminating the need to adjust quantity settings repeatedly.
Conclusion: The Quantity to Trade section serves as a cornerstone throughout the OTS Trader Bot, facilitating seamless trading operations. By understanding its significance and versatility, users can navigate the platform with confidence, leveraging its functionality across a multitude of trading activities.